Saturday, August 27, 2005

EP--Advising--Why You Need Your Own Webpage

EP--Advising--Why You Need Your Own Webpage--- The Quick Answer

You will be so very pleased when you can have your own webpage for your job search or other professional opportunities.
Why start it now? Because you need time to learn about the content and to master the software and skills to make a good one.
Use the free services and support from Dragon U. to get started.

The Ethical P (EP)-- Advising-- Professional Degrees

The Ethical P (EP)-- Advising-- Professional Degrees
So what is a professional degree in a grad school? Why is a professional degree called a terminal degree? These are important questions for several reasons. The most significant one is the matter of grades. In a grad school's masters program like history or English, a masters degree normally leads to the Ph. D. or at least the notion that you may want to get into the a doctoral program. Not usually so with a professional degree. Think medicine, law, and library science. These are degrees that lead into certain professional fields without assuming additional formal education, although more education is not discouraged and there are internships, clerkships, and other such. The point is that terminal degrees are simply that--higher degrees are not dependent upon the profesional degree. So there is truly no need to obsess over grades. Most people get a mix of A's and B's. When we admit students, we expect them to do well. Most people do very well or else they drop out. It is truly your choice, so get the most out of the experience and focus on what you want to learn to meet your goals. As a library director, I was often suspicious of someone who only had A's. Why? Because the profession is about initiative and creativity as much as about completing assignments. I looked for people who would take on a challenge or something unknown and be willing to make mistakes. Just give it some thought.

The Ethical Professor-- Advising--New Section of the InfoEthicist

Welcome to the Ethical Professor-- Advising--New Section of the InfoEthicist
Ethical Professor--Advising
Ethical Professor--Advising--Disclaimers and Disclosures
As a part of the InfoEthicist, I'm going to explore the ethical dimensions of being a faculty member. I will invite my current students, advisees, and others to read and comment on the various topics I will be presenting. If you think of a topic you would like to present here, please consider a guest posting. Or start your own blog and I'll put in a link here. So shall we begin?
Advising--Disclaimers and Disclosures
I am currently on the faculty of a university. Let's call it Dragon U--DU for short. I'm not so concerned with any of you knowing where I am, but I would prefer that my blog not be easily visible on the web. We'll see how that works. In any case, whatever I write here is my own. I don't represent DU, only myself. I will not be discussing any official policies or other matters that require official decision-making. I'm not in charge of making those kinds of decisions anyway, so we should be ok. What I do want to do is to raise issues and provide whatever helpful suggestions I have on higher education, graduate education, professional education in Information, more specifically in Library and Information Science. My ideas have been shaped by my own personal history. I've only been working at DragonU for three years, just starting year four. I've been in higher educaton in one way or another for over thirty years. I've been a student in higher education for almost my whole life. I'm from the generation of women who went to college expecting to find husbands and a good life as a wife and mother. It worked for some, but for me I did get my first husband, a baby, and then a divorce and a real job to support myself and my baby. What a surprise. Even with two more husbands, I've continued to work one, two, or three jobs. I've gotten and needed more degrees. I've needed to move away from home and family to create my life. On another angle, I've taught and been an administrator in higher ed working with adult students since the early 1980's. Much of what you will read here comes from my experience and also from what I learned from Malcolm Knowles' writings and others who were early in articulating the difference in the ways we should educate adult learners in contrast to children and traditional age (18-21/22) people in higher ed. I love working with adults. So enough for this first post, more about me will come through in future posts. You can also learn more about me on the faculty website at DragonU. More details later.
Let me know that you are out there. Comments encouraged.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blogging for ASIST-- Charlotte, 2005

New Blogging Adventure-- Joining the Bloggers to Support the ASIST Annual Meeting--2005--Charlotte, NC-- Having my own blog is so handy at a time like this---an invitation to do more blogging. But this year is very special. There are so many people in ASIST now working on my favorites--information ethics and ethics and technology issues. I'll see a lot of these people and many good friends in Charlotte. We'll be able to talk about our
new group blog GlobalInformationEthics (You can get there from here.) and all of our other projects. I'm so pleased that blogging is getting to be a popular way for people to interact at meetings. It's such a good way to get to know new people both before and after the meetings--such a good way for those who can not attend to see what happened and feel part of the action--such a different kind of record of how we work together. I see blogging and wiki networks as the greatest things for scholarly communication since the Internet. Who knows where this will lead.....but I want to be there.