Friday, February 25, 2005

GlobalInfoEthics-- Group Blog

Our group blog is set-up. Take a look at

Take a look, and let me know if you would like to be a part of the group. How about once a week or once a month? Let's see how it works.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Join the TeamInfoEthics Blog Group-- Beginning Monday, April 4th

You are invited to be a part of the first InfoEthics Blog Group. I propose to set up TeamInfoEthics and to invite you to participate. If we get seven people, we can each have a day of the week for a month or two as an experiment. If we get more people, we can cycle them in. I know lots of you would like to have a blog but don't feel you have the time to keep one up yourself. We can always have spin-offs if you decide to set up your own. In the spirit of ICIE, we could have a multi-language blog and perhaps help each other with translations. Email me or comment here:

A Question from a Reader: Life Extension and Information Ethics

Thanks for the question-- How wonderful that I have an answer.....several really. First, the whole field of life extension and CR/CRON (Calorie Restriction/Optimal Nutrition) illustrates how hard it is to have information taken seriously when it doesn't fit societal expectation. As Kuhn said, we don't see what we don't expect to see; we can't see data if we don't have the conceptual framework to put it in. We don't expect cars to run on Diet Coke, so if they did, we probably would believe it enough to try it. I know, there are better examples.
Next, I've worked on the syllabus for BioInfoEthics. I still need to figure out how to copy and paste here or insert image files stored somewhere else. Maybe my nex project should be a literature review of the ethics of life extension. I'd start with Art Caplan's article that I need to find again. Any help from you all out there? Let me get busy and look for articles, books, etc. I'll post some here.
Thanks again reader.