Welcome to The Information Ethicist. My sincere thanks to my daughter April of
http://aprilcr.blogspot.com for showing me the power of blogging. Thanks go also to so many people. I know that I can only remember some of them today.
*To Robert Hauptman--Bob--who served on my dissertation committee and believed in the vision of Information Ethics as a vital field to address the many challenges of information & communications technologies in our professional lives, in public policy, and in the personal decision-making of all of us. His contributions in the Journal of Information Ethics are immeasurable.
*To Rafael Capurro for inspiring me through his writings and friendship over many years
and continue to encourage so many of us through the International Center for Information Ethics
http://icie.zkm.de and now with the new Journal of International Information Ethics
*To Toni Carbo for renewing my faith that I could continue my research in Information Ethics and for being a pioneer in building the field at the University of Pittsburgh
*To the early students at North Carolina Wesleyan who showed me the real- world side of business and professional ethics
*To the students in my first Information Ethics class at the University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill who jumped into the midst of my explorations of this as a vital area in the curriculum of library and information science
*To my wonderful friends at Saint Mary's College Library in Raleigh, North Carolina. For our years together on the staff when they supported me in becoming an information ethicist and helped me to pursue the doctoral degree at UNC-CH and for so many acts of kindness and love to me, to April, and to the good of so many. They are angels. They were and continue to be the ones who joined with me in practicing subversive ethics.
*To all of those who have invited me to speak to their groups through the years and to learn so much from them. In the library community--ALA (American Library Association), PLA (Public Library Association), Ohio librarians, medical librarians, librarians in Croatia, university librarians and adminstrators at Yale, Georgia librarians, and many more.
And so many more.....Stay tuned.
So what is Information Ethics and why should I care? Again stay tuned but for now look at the blog description.
Blog Description: Ask the Informaiton Ethicist questions about your concerns about the uses and abuses of information, information and communications technologies, professional ethics in the information fields (librarianship, information sciences and systems, resarch, biomedical/genetic information, and all kinds of issues in moral values and public policy).